Insurance Claims

Private Investigation

If you are serious about your results, we are your finest choice.


Court Checks/Document Retrieval
when making Phone Calls isn't enough ...

While many times, simple phone calls can get you the right documents emailed or faxed without delay, many other times an actual visit to public courts, City Halls, and other record-keeping storehouses is absolutely mandatory. Retrieving court cases, public records, Cal/OSHA reports, business entity verifications, and other key documents can be integral to achieving success in your objectives and the litigation results you're after. Hiring an established professional in J. Koerner Investigations can mean the difference between success and failure in your endeavors. Do not leave the securing of vital documents to chance or to the haphazard scans of the untrained. Contact our office when you absolutely must find the files you need.

J. Koerner Investigations
P.O. Box 1029
Green Valley, AZ 85622
Tel: (909) 225-5448
Fax: (520) 372-8475